ISPRA, one of the partners of the SeaForest LIFE project, is processing high resolution Pleiades multispectral satellite images, to update the distribution of Posidonia oceanica grasslands in the parks involved in the project: La Maddalena Archipelago National Park, Asinara National Park and the Cilento National Park, Vallo di Diano and Alburni. The Pleiades satellite images were previously corrected with the radiometric correction algorithm of the water column, using the Lyzenga 1978 method "depth-invariant index". The mapping of the P. oceanica meadows was carried out with the classification software object oriented Ecognition.
The updated data on the distribution of the Posidonian meadows were compared with the mapping of marine phanerogams financed by the Ministry of the Environment and dating back to 1999. Both mapping datasets will be used to estimate the production of Blue Carbon and Carbonsink using the Invest model "Natural Capital Project”.
Asinara National Park: Color orthophoto year 2000 (WMS service National cartographic portal)
Asinara National Park: Pleiades Multispectral Satellite image 2018 (PANDA ESA service - Copernicus)
Asinara National Park: updated cartography regarding Posidonia oceanica meadows distribution