Released the "Manual for the Creation of Blue Carbon Projects in Europe and the Mediterranean"
The IUCN’s Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, drawing from a number of existing methodologies and approaches created by the International Blue Carbon Initiative as well as the work developed by the EU LIFE Blue Natura project, released their “Manual for the Creation of Blue Carbon Projects in Europe and the Mediterranean”. This document provides guidance for developing projects which utilise carbon finance to enhance, protect and develop seagrass and coastal wetland ecosystems for climate change mitigation and adaptation, specifically in Europe and the Mediterranean region.
This publication is addressed at public institutions, civil society organisations, researchers and private companies interested in strengthening their initiatives, as for example, the ones related to corporate social responsibility, through Blue Carbon projects.
In particular, this manual presents all the necessary methodological steps from the design of a blue carbon project on the ground to reporting according to diverse standards to obtain carbon credit offsets. Furthermore, it includes a selection of the best options in terms of restoration for mitigation, how to optimise efforts to obtain field data and building robust estimates within the boundaries of blue carbon projects.