A Dutch master thesis that talks about SeaForest LIFE
Conservation of Posidonia oceanica in the Mediterranean Sea - A case study analysis of barriers to the conservation of Posidonia and the role of contextual factors from a social-ecological perspective
It is the title of the master thesis of a student from Maastricht University, Dagmar Croes, who also spoke about our LIFE project in her research.
Because of the valuable ecological functions and ecosystem services Posidonia oceanica meadows provide to nature and humans, the critical consequences associated with their deterioration and the irreversibility of losses, it is crucial to protect and conserve the Posidonia meadows that exist today. The continuous regression of Posidonia, despite extensive policies at the EU level, and the disagreement about its conservation indicate context dependency and the presence of barriers situated at the local level. This research therefore aims to get a better understanding of these barriers to the conservation of Posidonia and the role of contextual factors from a social-ecological perspective. Because there are prima facie reasons to suppose that island and mainland sites will present different challenges to Posidonia conservation, the research project explores this hypothesis through a comparative case study approach, while applying the DPSIR framework. The main research questions addressed are: “Do island and mainland coasts face different barriers in the conservation of Posidonia oceanica and, if so, what are the contextual factors determining these barriers?” and “What measures can be taken to overcome barriers to the conservation of Posidonia?” The research revealed barriers relating to lack of awareness, policy constraints, and knowledge uncertainty that were not linked to the specific island or mainland contexts. Recommendations to overcome these barriers involve awareness raising, boundary work, and communication and consensus building.